The Next Steps
The next step for the community of Southwest Louisiana to come together in advocating for a new bridge with our elected officials for additional funding for the bridge. We must continue to keep our legislative delegations at the state and federal levels focused on the critical need for funding a new bridge. We need them to work together, find the funding, and build this bridge. Click here to see your options for getting involved and making sure your voice is heard.
The I-10 Bridge Task Force and the Chamber SWLA are continuing to work diligently with our SWLA state and federal legislative delegations, the governor, and the LA DOTD to continue forward progress on construction pre-planning as well as funding.
- NOI Issued to solicit partnerships January 2021
- Revise & submit draft EIS to FHWA (February 2021)
- Publish draft EIS for public review (April 2021)
- Public meeting and hearing (March – May 2021)
- Gain EIS and ROD approval and distribute (late December 2021)
- Final request for proposals March 2022
- Local jurisdiction review period, December 2022 - February 2023
- Contract awarded, by February 2023
- Work begins, April 2023

The Next Steps
The next step for the community of Southwest Louisiana to come together in advocating for a new bridge with our elected officials for additional funding for the bridge. We must continue to keep our legislative delegations at the state and federal levels focused on the critical need for funding a new bridge. We need them to work together, find the funding, and build this bridge. Click here to see your options for getting involved and making sure your voice is heard.
The I-10 Bridge Task Force and the Chamber SWLA are continuing to work diligently with our SWLA state and federal legislative delegations, the governor, and the LA DOTD to continue forward progress on construction pre-planning as well as funding.
- NOI Issued to solicit partnerships January 2021
- Revise & submit draft EIS to FHWA (February 2021)
- Publish draft EIS for public review (April 2021)
- Public meeting and hearing (March – May 2021)
- Gain EIS and ROD approval and distribute (late December 2021)
- Final request for proposals March 2022
- Local jurisdiction review period, December 2022 - February 2023
- Contract awarded, by February 2023
- Work begins, April 2023
The Next Steps
The next step is for the I-10 Bridge Task Force and the Chamber SWLA is to work with the SWLA legislative delegation to file any necessary legislation in the 2019 legislative session and to ask the LADOTD and the governor to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for private ventures to design, finance, construct, maintain and concession the new Interstate 10 Calcasieu River Bridge by entering into the P3 partnership. The I-10 Bridge Task Force recommends that local contractors and vendors be given priority for service to the private venture.
The I-10 Task Force is requesting LADOTF to begin the RFP process by the end of this year.